A Letter from the Gray Ghost

Dear LaDonna,

You have a habit of trusting people who do not have pure intentions and who ultimately bring you harm. I watched as pieces of your beautiful heart were left shattered on the floor that unspeakable evening.

Clinging to life, death was imminent. You lay on the living room floor atop broken shards of glass, breathless and fading fast. A sense of calmness overcame you as the white light appeared, but you weren’t ready to go. You knew that you had more to do.

Like those shards of glass from your past, Your heart is broken, but it can be mended. Broken, yet still beautiful. You are not beyond repair. Your light may have dimmed that night, but it was not fully extinguished. The fire within you still burns bright.

Over the years, you have been brought back to life by your family and friends who love you dearly. You have shared your story of escape and survival with thousands who have told you that you are brave and courageous. Be confident in that. You have a purpose. Evil and disingenuous people may still cross your path, but God will give you the discernment to identify them, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

You will continue to experience times of uncertainty and other adverse experiences over time. Just like you did when you were in limbo between life and death, you will need to rely on your faith and remain hopeful in order to minimize the pain and discomfort. Stay strong. Fight the fear, hang on for dear life, do not let evil win.

That morning when you became so desperate to live, and were able to wiggle yourself free from death’s grip, your angels and the prayers of your loved ones were protecting you. They still are. Do not give up. You will not fail.

The memories that haunt you will not win. Nor will the darkness that creeps in only to feed off of your genuine and divine energy during the times when you are feeling the most vulnerable. Love will prevail. God loves you, and you were saved so that you could make an impact on the lives of others.

You may have left pieces of your heart on the living room floor, amongst the shards of glass that evening, and you may have felt your soul begin to drift away once the white light appeared…… However, your life was spared. You had more to do. You survived and you are blessed.

So please, let go of the haunting memories of me and the others who have caused you pain. Be free. Be kind. Continue to be YOU. Embrace your scars. They add to your uniqueness and beauty. Pray often, take risks, continue to love and support others, and THRIVE! With every heart and soul that you touch, your own heart will continue to heal.


The Gray Ghost


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